Sarjana IAIN Walisongo Semarang terpilih Sebagai Sarjana Penulis Terbaik Bidang Agama Se Indonesia (Supersemar Award) Tahun 2010

Sebelas sarjana penulis skripsi terbaik bersorak gembira mendapat penghargaan Rp15 juta dan bea siswa hingga jenjang S-3 dari Yayasan Supersemar di Gedung Granadi, Jakarta, Selasa (8/6). Di antara 11 Sarjana tersebut adalah Sarjana dari IAIN Walisongo Semarang yaitu Inarotuul Ain, dari Fakultas Ushulusddin Jurusan Tafsir Hadits. Sosok yang Cantik dan cerdas ini dulu juga pernah belajar di Mts dan MA Darul Amanah Sukorejo Kendal yaitu sebuah pesantren modern alumni Pesantren Darussalam Gontor dan Fillial Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta.dar

“Penulisan skripsi disaring dari 500 peserta dari seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia,” kata Ketua Pelaksana Supersemar Award 2010 Prof Dr Nasaruddin Umar MA. Hadir dalam acara itu antara lain, Mendiknas M Nuh yang mantan penerima beasiswa Supersemar, Ketua Yayasan Damandiri yang mantan Menko Kesra Prof Dr Haryono Suyono, Dewan Pembina Yayasan Supersemar Hj Siti Hediyati Hariyadi (Titiek Soeharto), dan mantan Menag Maftuh Basyuni, Bambang Trihatmodjo, dll.

Untuk 11 pemenang Supersemar Award 2010 itu terdiri dari tujuh dan empat mahasiswa, sedangkan 11 pemenang Supersemar Award 2009 terdiri atas 9 mahasiswi dan 2 mahasiswa.

Ke-11 pemenang Supersemar Award 2010, yaitu Ade Pranajaya dari Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar (bidang Ilmu Ekonomi), Stepi Andriani dari Unpad Bandung (bidang ISIP), Wulandari dari Universitas Mataram (bidang Ilmu Pertanian), Inarotul Ain dari IAIN Walisongo Semarang (bidang Ilmu Agama).

Indah Sri Rahayu dari UNS Surakarta Jateng (bidang Ilmu Budaya), Qori Qonita dari UPI Bandung (bidang Ilmu Pendidikan), Benny Sumardiana dari Universitas Negeri Semarang (bidang Ilmu Hukum), Dwi Irawan dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung (bidang Ilmu Teknik).

Selanjutnya, Shinny Islamiyah dari Universitas Paramadina Jakarta (bidang Ilmu Psikologi), Lili Suryani dari STTP Gowa Sulsel (bidang Ilmu Peternakan) dan Beta Susanto Barus dari Universitas Riau Pekanbaru (bidang Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan).

Nazarudin Nazaruddin yang juga Dirjen Bimas Islam Kemnag mengatakan, penerima penghargaan adalah mahasiswa dan dinyatakan program sarjana S1 atau sarjana baru dari Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia, baik negeri maupun swasta. Para mahasiswa dan sarjana dinyatakan lulus skripsinya pada 2008, dengan IPK (Indeks Prestasi Komulatif) minimal 3.0 dan masa studi yang ditempuh maksimal 8 semester.

Persyaratan lain, ujar Nazaruddin Umar, Rektor Perguruan Tinggi hanya dapat mengajukan masing-masing satu buah skripsi untuk setiap kelompok bidang keilmuan.

Berkas copy skripsi dan Formulir Nominasi Penerima Supersemar Award 2009, dikirimkan ke Yayasan Supersemar, Gedung Granadi Lantai IV, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav. 8-9 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950, disertai pengantar dari Rektor.

Para pemenang diberikan penghargaan piagam, medali, uang tunai dan bantuan penelitian tesis bagi mereka yang melanjutkan studinya pada program Pasca Sarjana (S-2). Serta kepada Perguruan Tinggi asal pemenang akan diberikan penghargaan dalam bentuk alokasi jatah beasiswa Supersemar untuk mahasiswa pada tahun 2011.

Nazarudin menyebutkan, pemenang lomba dinilai para juri terdiri dari 24 profesor dan doktor yang diketuai Prof Dr Edy Suhendi Hamid yang juga Ketua Forum Rektor pada HUT Yayasan Supersemar ke 36, 8 Juni 2010. Kesebelas pemenang menerima medali emas, dan uang Rp 15 juta.

”Kami akan terus memberikan beasiswa Supersemar ini. Melalui pemberian beasiswa ini Yayasan Supersemar merupakan sumbangsih membantu peningkatan sumber daya manusia Indonesia,” ujarnya.

by M. Akhsin Rosyadi

sumber: Pos Kota

Subscribe to RSS Feed Beasiswa > Postgraduate Scholarships > Japan: Master Scholarship in Economics 2011 2012 2013 Japan: Master Scholarship in Economics 2011 2012 2013

Master Scholarship in Economics / Public Policy Management in Japan (2011-2013)

Job Description: Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM) in Tsukuba University, Japan has just started the recruitment of scholarship candidates for the next cohort starting from April 2011. With the sponsership of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, we will provide 2 years scholarship program for Master Degree in Economics or International Public Policy Management.

The objective of the Program is to provide, within the time frame of two years, training and the necessary skills for the conception, design, and implementation of development policies. The emphasis of the Program is on International Development with a trans-disciplinary approach to the economic and social problems of developing countries and former socialist countries. It is our aspiration, shared by the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, to contribute to the creation of an international community of highly trained professionals grappling with the daily challenges of economic and social development.
We expect, together with our sponsoring institutions (the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank), Program participants to return to their home countries upon completion of their study program and to apply their newly enhanced knowledge and skills to help accelerate the pace of economic and social development.

The Program is primarily targeted to mid-career
professionals who have a solid university education
and some working experience in areas related to policy making. The intensity of the Program, imparting a considerable amount of knowledge and skills in a relatively short span of time, requires its participants to be highly motivated and to possess the necessary level of intellectual maturity. In addition, they are expected to have a clear view of the problematic of economic and social development of their countries, in particular in the context of the current environment of globalization and accelerated technological change.

To apply, applicants must;
•Hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed 16 years of school education (up to undergraduate level). A strong background in economics and associated quantitative tools (linear algebra, calculus and basic statistics) is useful and, in the case of the Economics Policy Course, highly recommended.
Note. Those applicants having completed their university education in countries where formal schooling lasts less than 16 years, who are at least 22 years old, and who have spent at least one year in a research or similar institution, can become qualified to apply by filling out and submitting the provided form (Certificate of Research Activities).
•Have at least two (and preferably four or five) years of quality full-time work experience in the public or private sector in their home or another developing country.
•Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the English language by submitting the TOEFL scores or other evidence as deemed appropriate by the Graduate School.
•Demonstrate verbal and quantitative skills by submitting the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores or other evidence as deemed appropriate by the Graduate School.
• In addition, be under 45 (but preferably under 35) years of age and must not have studied previously at a graduate level in a developed country. Priority will be givento mid-careerprofessionals.

• In addition, applicants read the each eligibility criteria carefully.
Contact address : The PEPPM Program Committee
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Tsukuba
305-8571, Tsukuba, Japan

Closing date : Contact employer

Contact Person: Mariko Kondo
Email :

provide 2 years scholarship program for Master Degree in Economics or International Public Policy Management.

The objective of the Program is to provide, within the time frame of two years, training and the necessary skills for the conception, design, and implementation ofdevelopment policies . The emphasis of the Program is on International Development with a trans-disciplinary approach to the economic and social problems of developing countries and former socialist countries. It is our aspiration, shared by the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, to contribute to the creation of an international community of highly trainedprofessionals grappling with the daily challenges of economic and social development.
We expect, together with our sponsoring institutions (the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank), Program participants to return to their home countries upon completion of their study program and to apply their newly enhanced knowledge and skills to help accelerate the pace of economic and social development.

The Program is primarily targeted to mid-career
professionals who have a solid university education
and some working experience in areas related to policy making. The intensity of the Program, imparting a considerable amount of knowledge and skills in a relatively short span of time, requires its participants to be highly motivated and to possess the necessary level of intellectual maturity. In addition, theyare expected to have a clear view of the problematic of economic and social development of their countries, in particular in the context of the current environment of globalization and accelerated technological change.

To apply, applicants must;
•Hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed 16 years of school education (up to undergraduate level). A strong background in economics and associated quantitative tools (linear algebra, calculus and basic statistics) is useful and, in the case of the Economics Policy Course, highly recommended.
Note. Those applicants having completed their university education in countries where formal schooling lasts less than 16 years, who are at least 22 years old, and who have spent at least one year in a research or similar institution, can become qualified to apply by filling out and submitting the provided form (Certificate of Research Activities).
•Have at least two (and preferably four or five) years of quality full-time work experience in the public or private sector in their home or another developing country.
•Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the English language by submitting the TOEFL scores or other evidence as deemed appropriate by the Graduate School.
•Demonstrate verbal and quantitative skills by submitting the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores or other evidence as deemed appropriate by the Graduate School.
• In addition, be under 45 (but preferably under 35) years of age and must not have studied previously at a graduate level in a developed country. Priority will be givento mid-careerprofessionals.

• In addition, applicants read the each eligibility criteria carefully.
Contact address : The PEPPM Program Committee
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Tsukuba
305-8571, Tsukuba, Japan

Closing date : Contact employer

Contact Person: Mariko Kondo
Email :


Pendapatan Dollar ku Dari Ziddu

Awalnya aku baca sebuah buku mengenai mencari duit bin uang alias Dollar lewat internet. Wah buku bagus nih, kataku dalam hati. So aku baca daftar isi n isi buku tersebut. Intinya adalah bagaimana kita bisa dapat Uang alias Dollar Lewat Hobi Ngenet.

Baru Dua bulan q buat blog ini alhmd dah dapat satu dollar tu cuman dari ziddu aja, belom yang lain.

Sekitar 4 bulan berikutnya n tanpa q sempat updATE blog ku…pendapatan blog ku cuman dari ziddu aja dah sekitar 2 dollar.

But uang bukan sebagai tujuanku buat blog, ada kepuasan tersendiri ketika tulisan kita banyak yang membaca lebih2 kalo bisa bermanfaat bagi orang lain.